Welcome to St Vincent de Paul Catholic Primary School
I am delighted to welcome you to our website. I hope you will enjoy exploring the site and finding out useful and important information and news about our wonderful school. All PDF documents on the site can be read in the viewer or downloaded and printed separately. If you require a paper copy of any document, please contact the school office.
We are a thriving one-form-entry primary school, uniquely located in the shadow of Westminster Cathedral, with whom we maintain close links as the parish school. We are also the parish school of Holy Apostles', Pimlico, following the recent amalgamation of our school with Westminster Cathedral primary school.
We provide an education with a distinct Catholic identity for children aged 3 to 11 years. Ours is a warm and friendly school where our shared faith is celebrated through prayer, child-centred liturgies and assemblies.
Our mission statement comes directly from Christ’s words of ‘Love one another as I have loved you,’ and we seek to promote this message in all that we do. We value strongly our partnership with parents in working together to achieve the best outcomes for our children.
Children at St Vincent de Paul are educated in a well-disciplined, caring environment following National Curriculum and the Diocese of Westminster’s guidelines. This enables them to reach high standards that will prepare them for further education when they move onto secondary school and beyond. Outcomes for our pupils at the end of each phase consistently exceed national averages. You can view our latest performance data HERE
If you are interested in a place for your child in any of our year groups or would like to visit the school, please arrange an appointment by contacting the main office by telephone on 020 3351 5990 or by email using: office@svpschool.co.uk.
We will be pleased to welcome you.
Mr N Scott Cree MA
Head Teacher